Five Differences Between Good Bosses and Great Bosses

//Five Differences Between Good Bosses and Great Bosses

Five Differences Between Good Bosses and Great Bosses

One of the best things about being a business owner is that you finally get the chance to be the boss you’ve always dreamed of being. If you’re like most people, you’ve had your fair share of less-than-stellar managers and have promised yourself that you’ll strive to be better. Not only does excellent management and leadership help make your business more successful, but being an excellent boss will make your employees happier and willing to work harder for you, too. If you’re looking for smart ways to go from being a good boss to a great boss, take a look at these 5 tips.

  1. Every business owner wants his or her workplace to feel safe, comfortable and relaxing for employees; a good boss ensures this by making room for everyone, from newbies and lifers. A great boss, however, encourages a sense of community among staff members so everyone feels welcome and part of a great team. Because businesses are most successful when staff members work together seamlessly, establishing a culture of camaraderie and cohesiveness will ensure things run smoothly.
  1. One of the many benefits of owning a small business is that you have the opportunity to build dreamstime_s_11649306rapport with employees simply because there are fewer of them. While a good boss may chit chat with team members at the beginning and the end of the day, a great boss takes the time to find out how things are going in their lives, inside and outside of the workplace. When employees feel a bond with their boss, they’ll feel more loyal and connected to their workplace.
  1. A great way to have a happy workplace is ensuring your employees know that they can come to you with concerns or frustrations. Build your status as a great boss by creating an open dialogue with all of your employees so they feel comfortable enough to approach you about problems they’re having in the workplace. Not only will this help manage and reduce stress, but it’ll give you an opportunity to grow as a leader as you help fix the issues at hand.
  1. A good boss will always seek out the most promising employees and give them an opportunity to engage in professional development. However, a great boss makes this a priority for all employees. With the amount of time it takes to hire a fantastic and trusted new employee, it only makes sense to include professional development and invest in every employee, whether they work in sales or management. Not only will this reduce employee turnover, but it will increase the value of each team member over time.
  1. When an employee makes an impressive sale or lands a new client or customer, a good boss knows to praise them in a big way. However, if you’re looking for more of that excellent quality of work from all of your employees, make sure they always feel a sense of gratitude from you. When they feel accomplished and confident that they’re on the right track, their skills will greatly improve because they know you have their back no matter what.