Upcoming Webinar – Black Ink: Cash Flow Management Secrets Your Accountant Never Shared

//Upcoming Webinar – Black Ink: Cash Flow Management Secrets Your Accountant Never Shared

Upcoming Webinar – Black Ink: Cash Flow Management Secrets Your Accountant Never Shared

Perhaps the most important factor in determining the success of any small business, cash flow management is a skill that’s particularly important for independent retailers to master.

Imagine how empowering it would be if you could accurately predict just how much cash and inventory you would have next month – or even next year. And imagine how much money it would save you by not needing an accountant to take care of it.

By setting your business up with this knowledge for the next financial quarter, you’ll be in the position to open yourself up to a world of opportunities while avoiding unnecessary risks and avoidable mistakes by having too little cash on hand.

Oct 13 2015 Webinar.inddSign up for the upcoming webinar, Black Ink: Cash Flow Management Secrets Your Accountant Never Shared, on Oct. 13 at 10:00 a.m., and learn all there is to know about predicting and managing cash flow for your business.

To register, please contact Tina Sullivan at 1-800-737-0107 or email tina@pdrmag.com. And to learn more ways to grow your small business, we encourage you to take a look at the rest of our webinar series here.